
Practical Introduction to Automation and AI for Professional Service Firms

Join us for a conversation that focuses on the real life benefits that AI an Automation can bring to organisations of all sizes today and the practical steps that you can start taking to take advantage. 

Our Guest

Kieran Gilmurray

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With so much hype around AI and Automation it’s difficult for business leaders to know what is relevant to them. 

However, it is imperative that the SMEs find a way through the noise and uncertainty to embrace the huge advantages that this new and emerging technologies can provide. 

Those that don’t build a digital strategy that automates repetitive manual tasks in their business while augmenting the capabilities of their staff through AI will become less competitive and fall away over time.  

Guiding us through this will be Kieran Gilmurray a leading author and global voice around everything AI, Automation and Data.  

Having helped organisations of every size and within most sectors – including law, healthcare, finance, insurance and more, Kieran is ideally placed to not only give a wide ranging view on the impact of these technologies but also provide a real time view of how companies are using it now and what practical steps all businesses should start taking. 

Join us for a conversation that focuses on the real life benefits that AI an Automation can bring to organisations of all sizes today and the practical steps that you can start taking to take advantage.
The automation of digital processes is having a fundamental effect on the way that businesses all over the world are operating. Technology is taking over many tasks that are costly, time-consuming, and prone to human error.

Jonathan Fletcher

Senior Partner

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